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Text File | 2009-12-13 | 43.5 KB | 1,482 lines
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Social & Bookmarking services module. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["samfind_modsbservices"]; var samfind_modsbservices_json = { JSON : null }; Components.utils.import("resource://samfind/JSON.jsm", samfind_modsbservices_json); Components.utils.import("resource://samfind/samfind_modutils.jsm"); var samfind_modsbservices = { _services : null, _services_dynamic : null, _init : function() { samfind_modsbservices._services = { aim : "AIM Share", amazon : "Amazon Wishlist", allvoices : "Allvoices", ask : "Ask", attentionmeter : "AttentionMeter", ballhype : "BallHype", barrapunto : "Barrapunto", bebo : "Bebo", bitly : "bit.ly", bizsugar : "bizSugar", blinklist : "BlinkList", blogger : "Blogger", bloglines : "Bloglines", blogmemesfr : "BlogMemes.fr", bookmarksfr : "Bookmarks.fr", bx : "Business Exchange", care2 : "Care2", citeulike : "CiteULike", cliqset : "Cliqset", connotea : "Connotea", current : "Current", dailyme : "DailyMe", delicious : "Delicious", designbump : "Design Bump", designfloat : "Design Float", digg : "Digg", diggita : "Diggita", diigo : "Diigo", dotnetkicks : "DotNetKicks", dropjack : "Dropjack", dzone : "DZone", ekudos : "eKudos", email : "Email to a friend", evernote : "Evernote", facebook : "Facebook", fark : "Fark", faves : "Faves", favoritus : "Favoritus", fnews : "Fnews", followup : "FollowUp", foxiewire : "FoxieWire", fresqui : "Fresqui", friendfeed : "FriendFeed", fsdaily : "FSDaily", funp : "Funp", gabbr : "Gabbr", gather : "Gather", globalgrind : "Global Grind", gmail : "Gmail", googlebookmarks : "Google Bookmarks", googlenotebook : "Google Notebook", googlereader : "Google Reader", hatena : "Hatena", healthranker : "Health Ranker", hellotxt : "HelloTxt", hemidemi : "HEMiDEMi", hipstr : "hipstr", hotmail : "Hotmail", hyves : "Hyves.nl", identica : "Identi.ca", indianpad : "IndianPad", instapaper : "Instapaper", isgd : "is.gd", jumptags : "Jumptags", kaboodle : "Kaboodle", kirtsy : "Kirtsy", laterthis : "LaterThis", linkarena : "linkARENA", linkagogo : "linkaGoGo", linkninja : "Link Ninja", linkedin : "LinkedIn", live : "Live", livejournal : "LiveJournal", lunch : "Lunch", meneame : "Meneame", misterwong : "Mister Wong", mixx : "Mixx", mozillaca : "Mozillaca", multiply : "Multiply", myaol : "MyAOL", myshare : "MyShare", myspace : "MySpace", n4g : "N4G", netvibes : "Netvibes", netvouz : "Netvouz", newstrust : "NewsTrust", newsvine : "Newsvine", nujij : "NUjij", oknotizie : "OKNOtizie", oneviewcom : "oneview.com", oneviewde : "oneview.de", orkut : "Orkut", picnik : "Picnik", pingfm : "Ping.fm", plurk : "Plurk", posterous : "Posterous", propeller : "Propeller", pusha : "Pusha", quantcast : "Quantcast", reddit : "Reddit", scoopeo : "Scoopeo", scoopit : "Scoopit", segnalo : "Segnalo", shoutwire : "ShoutWire", simpy : "Simpy", slashdot : "Slashdot", smaknews : "SmakNews", socialmedian : "socialmedian", socialogs : "Socialogs", soup : "Soup", sphere : "Sphere It!", sphinn : "Sphinn", spring : "Spring", spurl : "Spurl", squidoo : "Squidoo", strands : "Strands", streakr : "Streakr", stumble : "Stumble!", stumbleupon : "StumbleUpon", stumpedia : "Stumpedia", stylehive : "Stylehive", supr : "Su.pr", swik : "SWiK", symbaloo : "Symbaloo", tailrank : "Tailrank", tbuzz : "TBUZZ", technorati : "Technorati", thisnext : "ThisNext", tinyurl : "TinyURL", tipd : "Tip'd", trim2 : "tr.im", truemors : "Truemors", tumblr : "Tumblr", twackle : "Twackle", twiddla : "Twiddla", twine : "Twine", twitter : "Twitter", viadeo : "Viadeo", visualize : "vi.sualize.us", weheartit : "We heart it", wikio : "Wikio", wists : "Wists", wordpress : "WordPress", xanga : "Xanga", xerpi : "Xerpi", yahoobookmarks : "Yahoo! Bookmarks", yahoobuzz : "Yahoo! Buzz", yammer : "Yammer", ycombinator : "Y Combinator", yigg : "YiGG", yoolink : "Yoolink", youmob : "YouMob" }; // samfind_modsbservices._services_dynamic = new Array( "delicious", "digg", "reddit" ); }, createButtons : function(services, parent, dataProvider, sidebarOpener) { var dynamic = false; var space = samfind_modutils._pref_branch.getCharPref("social.space"); for (var i=0; i<services.length; ++i) { var service = services[i]; switch (service) { case "delicious": case "digg": case "reddit": { dynamic = true; } default: { samfind_modsbservices.createButton(service, parent, dataProvider, sidebarOpener); } } if (i != services.length - 1 && space != "small") { var spacer = parent.appendChild(parent.ownerDocument.createElementNS("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul", "spacer")); spacer.width = (space == "medium" ? 3 : 6); } } return dynamic; }, createButton : function(service, parent, dataProvider, sidebarOpener) { var service_text = samfind_modsbservices._services[service]; var toolbarbutton = parent.appendChild(parent.ownerDocument.createElementNS("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul", "toolbarbutton")); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("id", "samfind-" + service); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("class", "samfindsb sb-" + service); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("dataprovider", dataProvider); var command_share = "samfind_modsbservices.share(" + dataProvider + ", '" + service + "');"; switch (service) { case "amazon": { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Save to your Amazon Wishlist"); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share); } break; case "attentionmeter": { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Compare with AttentionMeter"); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share); } break; case "bitly": { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Shorten URL with bit.ly"); var login = samfind_modutils._pref_branch.getCharPref("bitly.user.login"); var apikey = samfind_modutils._pref_branch.getCharPref("bitly.user.apikey"); if (login.length && apikey.length) { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", (sidebarOpener == null ? "toggleSidebar('samfind-bitly-view', true);" : (sidebarOpener + "('bitly', event);"))); } else { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share); } } break; case "email": { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", service_text); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", (sidebarOpener == null ? "toggleSidebar('samfind-email-view', true);" : (sidebarOpener + "('email', event);"))); } break; case "identica": { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Share with Identi.ca"); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", (sidebarOpener == null ? "toggleSidebar('samfind-identica-view', true);" : (sidebarOpener + "('identica', event);"))); } break; case "isgd": { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Shorten URL with is.gd"); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share); } break; case "n4g": { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Tips N4G"); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share); } break; case "quantcast": { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Quantify with Quantcast"); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share); } break; case "sphere": case "stumble": { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", service_text); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share); } break; case "supr": { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Shorten URL with Su.pr"); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share); } break; case "tinyurl": { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Make TinyURL!"); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share); } break; case "trim2": { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Shorten URL with tr.im"); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share); } break; case "twitter": { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Share with Twitter"); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", (sidebarOpener == null ? "toggleSidebar('samfind-twitter-view', true);" : (sidebarOpener + "('twitter', event);"))); } break; case "wordpress": { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Press to " + samfind_modutils._pref_branch.getCharPref("wordpress.blogname")); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share); } break; default: { toolbarbutton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Share with " + service_text); toolbarbutton.setAttribute("oncommand", command_share); } } }, resetDynamicInfo : function(button, service) { var width = button.boxObject.width; button.removeAttribute("label"); var total_width = (width - button.boxObject.width); switch (service) { case "digg": { button.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Share with Digg"); } break; case "reddit": { button.setAttribute("tooltiptext", "Share with Reddit"); } break; } button.setAttribute("oncommand", "samfind_modsbservices.share(" + button.getAttribute("dataprovider") + ", '" + service + "');"); return total_width; }, fetchDynamicInfo : function(service, href, button, fetchedObserver) { switch (service) { case "delicious": { samfind_modsbservices.getDeliciousSaves(href, button, fetchedObserver); } break; case "digg": { samfind_modsbservices.getDiggs(href, button, fetchedObserver); } break; case "reddit": { samfind_modsbservices.getRedditPoints(href, button, fetchedObserver); } break; } }, getDeliciousSaves : function(href, button, fetchedObserver) { try { var xhr = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest); xhr.open("GET", "http://feeds.delicious.com/v2/json/urlinfo/data?url=" + href, true); var timeout = samfind_modutils.setXhrAbortTimeout(xhr, 10000); xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e) { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { timeout.cancel(); timeout = null; if (xhr.status == 200) { var json_obj = samfind_modsbservices_json.JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); var info = json_obj[0]; var saves = 0; if (info) { saves = info.total_posts; } info = null; json_obj = null; if (saves > 0) { button.setAttribute("label", "(" + saves + ")"); if (fetchedObserver != null) { fetchedObserver.dynamicInfoFetched(); } } } xhr = null; } } xhr.send(null); } catch (e) {} }, getDiggs : function(href, button, fetchedObserver) { try { var xhr = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest); xhr.open("GET", "http://services.digg.com/stories?count=1&type=json&appkey=http://samfind.com&link=" + href, true); var timeout = samfind_modutils.setXhrAbortTimeout(xhr, 10000); xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e) { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { timeout.cancel(); timeout = null; if (xhr.status == 200) { var json_obj = samfind_modsbservices_json.JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); var total_stories = json_obj.total; var diggs = 0; var comments; var href; if (total_stories > 0) { var story_info = json_obj.stories[0]; if (story_info) { diggs = story_info.diggs; comments = story_info.comments; href = story_info.href; } } json_obj = null; if (diggs > 0) { button.setAttribute("label", "(" + diggs + ")"); button.setAttribute("tooltiptext", diggs + " diggs, " + comments + " comments, click to digg and comment"); button.setAttribute("oncommand", "samfind_utils.openTab('" + href + "', false, null, event);"); if (fetchedObserver != null) { fetchedObserver.dynamicInfoFetched(); } } } xhr = null; } } xhr.send(null); } catch (e) {} }, getRedditPoints : function(href, button, fetchedObserver) { try { var xhr = Cc["@mozilla.org/xmlextras/xmlhttprequest;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIXMLHttpRequest); xhr.open("GET", "http://www.reddit.com/api/info.json?count=1&url=" + href, true); var timeout = samfind_modutils.setXhrAbortTimeout(xhr, 10000); xhr.onreadystatechange = function(e) { if (xhr.readyState == 4) { timeout.cancel(); timeout = null; if (xhr.status == 200) { var json_obj = samfind_modsbservices_json.JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); var data = json_obj.data; var points = 0; var id; if (data) { var children = data.children; if (children && children.length) { for (var i=0; i<children.length; ++i) { data = children[i].data; if (data && data.score > 0) { points = data.score; id = data.id; break; } } } } json_obj = null; if (points > 0) { button.setAttribute("label", "(" + points + ")"); button.setAttribute("tooltiptext", points + " points, click to vote and comment"); button.setAttribute("oncommand", "samfind_utils.openTab('http://www.reddit.com/comments/" + id + "', false, null, event);"); if (fetchedObserver != null) { fetchedObserver.dynamicInfoFetched(); } } } xhr = null; } } xhr.send(null); } catch (e) {} }, share : function(dataProvider, aService) { var location = dataProvider.getLocation(); if (location == null) { return; } else { location = encodeURIComponent(location); } var title = dataProvider.getTitle(); if (title.length) { title = encodeURIComponent(title); } var selection = dataProvider.getSelection(); if (selection.length) { selection = encodeURIComponent(selection); } // var url = null; var win = samfind_modutils.getWindow(); // switch (aService) { case "aim": { url = "http://share.aim.com/share/?url=" + location + "&title=" + title; } break; case "amazon": { url = "http://www.amazon.com/wishlist/add?u=" + location + "&t=" + title; } break; case "allvoices": { url = "http://www.allvoices.com/post_event?url=" + location + "&title=" + title; } break; case "ask": { url = "http://myjeeves.ask.com/mysearch/BookmarkIt?v=1.2&t=webpages&url=" + location + "&title=" + title + "&abstext=" + selection; } break; case "attentionmeter": { var decoded = decodeURIComponent(location); var decoded_uri = samfind_modutils._io_service.newURI(decoded, null, null); var host = decoded_uri.host; if (host.indexOf("www.") == 0) { host = host.substring(4); } url = "http://www.attentionmeter.com/bookmarklet.php?d1=" + host; } break; case "ballhype": { url = "http://ballhype.com/post/url/?url=" + location + "&title=" + title; } break; case "barrapunto": { url = "http://barrapunto.com/submit.pl?subj=" + title + "&story=" + location; } break; case "bebo": { url = "http://www.bebo.com/c/share?Url=" + location + "&Title=" + title; } break; case "bitly": { url = "http://bit.ly/?url=" + location; } break; case "bizsugar": { url = "http://www.bizsugar.com/submit.php?url=" + location; } break; case "blinklist": { url = "http://blinklist.com/blink?u=" + location + "&t=" + title + "&d=" + selection + "&v=2"; } break; case "blogger": { url = "http://www.blogger.com/blog_this.pyra?u=" + location + "&n=" + title + "&t=" + selection; } break; case "bloglines": { url = "http://www.bloglines.com/sub/" + decodeURIComponent(location); } break; case "blogmemesfr": { url = "http://www.blogmemes.fr/post.php?url=" + location + "&title=" + title; } break; case "bookmarksfr": { url = "http://www.bookmarks.fr/favoris/AjoutFavori?action=add&address=" + location + "&title=" + title + "&description=" + selection; } break; case "bx": { url = "http://bx.businessweek.com/api/add-article-to-bx.tn?url=" + location; } break; case "care2": { url = "http://www.care2.com/news/compose?share[link_url]=" + location + "&share[title]=" + title; } break; case "citeulike": { url = "http://www.citeulike.org/posturl?bml=nopopup&url=" + location + "&title=" + title; } break; case "cliqset": { win.getBrowser().loadURI("javascript:void((function(){var%20b=document.body;if(b){var%20e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type','text/javascript');e.setAttribute('src','http://cliqset.com/bookmarklet/bookmarklet.js');b.appendChild(e);}})());"); } break; case "connotea": { url = "http://www.connotea.org/add?continue=return&uri=" + location + "&title=" + title + "&description=" + selection; } break; case "current": { url = "http://current.com/clipper.htm?url=" + location + "&title=" + title; } break; case "dailyme": { url = "http://dailyme.com/bookmarklet?u=" + location + "&t=" + title; } break; case "designbump": { url = "http://designbump.com/node/add/drigg?url=" + location; } break; case "designfloat": { url = "http://designfloat.com/submit.php?url=" + decodeURIComponent(location); } break; case "delicious": { url = "http://delicious.com/save?url=" + location + "&title=" + title + "¬es=" + selection + "&jump=yes"; } break; case "digg": { url = "http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&url=" + location + "&title=" + title + "&bodytext=" + selection; } break; case "diggita": { url = "http://www.diggita.it/submit.php?url=" + location + "&title=" + title; } break; case "diigo": { win.content.document.location = "http://www.diigo.com/post?url=" + location + "&title=" + title + "&desc=" + selection; 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} break; case "fnews": { url = "http://fnews.az/node/add/drigg?url=" + location + "&title=" + title + "&body=" + selection; } break; case "followup": { url = "http://www.followup.cc/bookmark.php?url=" + location + "&title=" + title; } break; case "foxiewire": { url = "http://www.foxiewire.com/?q=submit&url=" + location + "&title=" + title + "&body=" + selection; } break; case "fresqui": { url = "http://fresqui.com/enviar?url=" + location + "&title=" + title; } break; case "friendfeed": { url = "http://friendfeed.com/?url=" + location + "&title=" + title; } break; case "fsdaily": { url = "http://www.fsdaily.com/submit?url=" + location + "&title=" + title; } break; case "funp": { url = "http://funp.com/pages/submit/add.php?title=" + title + "&url=" + location; } break; case "gabbr": { url = "http://www.gabbr.com/submit/?bookurl=" + location; } break; case "gather": { url = "http://www.gather.com/sharePosts.action?title=" + title + "&body=" + location; } break; case "globalgrind": { url = "http://globalgrind.com/submission/submit.aspx?url=" + location + "&type=Article&title=" + title; } break; case "gmail": { url = "http://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=1&view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=&su=" + title + "&body=Link: " + location + "%0D%0A%0D%0A" + selection + "%0D%0A%0D%0A" + "%28via samfind Bookmarks Bar%29"; } break; case "googlebookmarks": { url = "http://www.google.com/bookmarks/mark?op=add&bkmk=" + location + "&title=" + title + "&annotation=" + selection; } break; case "googlenotebook": { win.getBrowser().loadURI("javascript:(function(){var%20w=window;var%20d=document;var%20g=w.open('about:blank','gnotesWin','location=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,toolbar=0,width=300,height=300,resizable=1');var%20s=d.createElement('script');s.setAttribute('src','http://www.google.com/notebook/bookmarkletPoster?zx='+(new%20Date()).valueOf());d.body.appendChild(s);w.setTimeout(function(){w.blur();g.focus();},%20100)}).call({});"); } break; case "googlereader": { win.getBrowser().loadURI( "javascript:var%20b=document.body;var%20GR________bookmarklet_domain='https://www.google.com';if(b&&!document.xmlVersion){void(z=document.createElement('script'));void(z.src='https://www.google.com/reader/ui/link-bookmarklet.js');void(b.appendChild(z));}else{}"); 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} break; case "identica": { url = "http://identi.ca/?action=newnotice&status_textarea=" + title + "%20" + location; } break; case "indianpad": { url = "http://www.indianpad.com/submit.php?url=" + location; } break; case "instapaper": { url = "http://www.instapaper.com/b?u=" + location + "&t=" + title; } break; case "isgd": { url = "http://is.gd/create.php?longurl=" + location; } break; case "jumptags": { url = "http://www.jumptags.com/add/?url=" + location + "&title=" + title; } break; case "kaboodle": { url = "http://www.kaboodle.com/za/selectpage?p_pop=false&pa=url&u=" + location; } break; case "kirtsy": { url = "http://www.kirtsy.com/submit.php?url=" + location; } break; case "linkagogo": { url = "http://www.linkagogo.com/go/AddNoPopup?url=" + location + "&title=" + title + "&comments=" + selection; } break; case "linkninja": { url = "http://linkninja.com.br/enviar_link.php?story_url=" + location + "&story_title=" + title + "&story_desc=" + selection; } break; case "laterthis": { win.content.document.location = "http://laterthis.com/post?stand_alone=true&link_url=" + location + "&link_title=" + title + "&link_comment=" + selection; 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